OWL ESG's IQ Data provides clients with data and analytics on hundreds of ESG issues at more than 9,000 companies globally. Our advanced AI ensures you always have the freshest, most accurate, most transparent, most objective ESG data for every company that interests you. Gain deep insights into corporate sustainability characteristics and compare with regulatory frameworks, screen against your principles or larger controversies, and evaluate impact with the UN’s SDG as a guide. OWL ESG is transforming how ESG data is gathered, analyzed, researched, and applied.


OWL ESG IQ delivers more accurate screening, watchlists, reporting and engagement opportunities.

OWL’s Powerful Tools Give you Gold Standard Data and Analytics

Our Cognitive AI uses next-gen Machine Reading Comprehension learning, ensuring all your analytics are built on a foundation of the most reliable ESG data available, delivered to your fingertips at the speed of technology.

Save Time
With over 97% accuracy, your team can focus on high-value work instead of diverting time for collecting and verifying ESG data. 

Save Cost
OWL’s ESG data is refreshed multiple times a year, meaning that you don’t need dedicated resources to confirm that you have the latest data.  

Save Resources
Make decisions with confidence so that you can dedicate your resources to using the data, not finding it. 

Portfolio Managers

Portfolio Managers

  • Confidently construct portfolios based on your ESG preferences
  • Manage risk and return while ensuring portfolio reflects ESG goals of investor / client
  • Update portfolio companies as they change their practices
  • Avoid any concerns about greenwashing accusations
  • Stand up portfolio choices against regulatory scrutiny
Sustainability Teams

Sustainability Teams

  • Using peer comparisons, accurately assess how a company is managing ESG risk and opportunities
  • Encourage corporate issuers to pursue ESG interests in line with industry
  • Identify industry trends and prepare strategic responses
  • Objective scores provide more useable insights
Stewardship & Reporting Teams

Stewartship & Reporting Teams

  • Identify potential engagement targets based on ESG practices and drive productive discussion
  • Inform proxy voting decisions around ESG incorporation on crucial strategic matters such as governance committee and board members, shareholder proposals, and executive compensation
Corporate Issues & Consultants

Corporate Issuers & Consultants

  • Identify ESG opportunities and risks
  • Provide senior management and board with performance details including areas of strength and opportunities for improvement
  • Create accurate marketing materials highlighting company accomplishments
  • Act on emerging industry ESG best practices 
Wealth Managers

Wealth Managers

  • Basic research, company comparisons, and stock selection
  • Quick ESG assessments
  • Values alignment

See detailed ESG data in a whole new way. And make more informed, more impactful choices for your goals and the planet.