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Join The Customer Advisory Council

Have You....

  • been involved in gathering, organizing, validating, and/or analyzing ESG data?
  • been frustrated by a lack of accurate, transparent, auditable ESG data that you can use with confidence?
  • had ideas about what an ideal ESG data solution would look like?

OWL’s Powerful Tools Give you Gold Standard Data and Analytics

OWL’s Customer Advisory Council includes representatives of highly respected asset management, consulting, and financial services firms from around the world. Council members lead or participate in ESG-related engagements, are actively involved in sustainability research or related activities for their organizations, or leverage ESG data for investment insights and opportunities. We are looking for feedback and guidance on the development of our applications to ensure that they are addressing our customer’s most pressing needs.

As a Council member, you would provide your input as we refine and enhance our reliable, affordable ESG data and software solutions to help all of our clients work more efficiently.

As a Council member you receive exclusive access to OWL’s existing DaaS product and our upcoming software application (slated for launch later this year).

Early Access

As a Council member, you receive exclusive access to OWL’s existing DaaS product and our upcoming software application.

Sign Up

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