ESG Data & Analytics
OWL cut its teeth bringing quality ESG data & ratings to financial institutions. We offer the freshest, most accurate, and most transparent ESG data available in the market. With hundreds of data points and ratings on thousands of companies, gain the insights you need. Delve into a variety of sustainability topics, including GHG emissions, compare against regulatory frameworks, screen against your principles, and evaluate company’s performance towards environmental and social goals. Or plug in coverage gaps that other vendors can’t service. With OWL as your ESG data partner, you’ll get the quality data you need without paying the high costs of major vendors.

See Data Like No Other
Over 500 data points covering a wide range of environmental, social, and governance topics.

Over 9,000 companies covered with hundreds of environmental, social, and governance data points.

We have all the data you need, with the highest degree of accuracy, ready for you without any subjective interpretation factored in.

All data is click-to-source, making verification simple and giving you peace of mind.

We have the most frequent refresh rates going, so your data is never stale. Need something immediately? Check out our Smart Assistant.
OWL’s Powerful Tools Give you Gold Standard Data and Analytics
Our cognitive AI collects IQ ESG data on nearly 9,000 companies, and then we serve them up, fresh and accurate, for clients. Whether you want to research investment or target companies, make voting decisions, gather data for your analysis, or any other way you need the most accurate, freshest ESG corporate data available, OWL’s Detailed Company Profiles are the only way to go.
Save Cost
OWL’s ESG data is refreshed multiple times a year, meaning that you don’t need dedicated resources to confirm that you have the latest data.
Save Time
With over 97% accuracy, your team can focus on high-value work instead of diverting time for collecting and verifying ESG data.
Save Resources
Make decisions with confidence so that you can dedicate your resources to using the data, not finding it.
Investment Research Analysts
- Confidently make investment decisions based on your ESG preferences
- Manage risk and return while ensuring portfolio reflects client ESG goals
- Update portfolio companies as they change their practices
- Avoid any concerns about greenwashing accusations
- Stand up investment choices against regulatory scrutiny
Stewardship and Engagement Teams
- Using peer comparisons, accurately assess how a company is managing ESG risk and opportunities
- Encourage corporate issuers to pursue ESG interests in line with industry
- Identify industry trends and prepare strategic responses
- Objective scores provide more useable insights
ESG-Focused Investors
- Identify potential engagement targets based on ESG practices and drive productive discussion
- Inform proxy voting decisions around ESG incorporation on crucial strategic matters such as governance committee and board members, shareholder proposals, and executive compensation
Corporate Consultants and Advisors
- Identify ESG opportunities and risks
- Provide senior management and board with performance details including areas of strength and opportunities for improvement
- Create accurate marketing materials highlighting company accomplishments
- Act on emerging industry ESG best practices
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the source of the data used in OWL’s detailed company profiles?
OWL creates its detailed company profiles from our freshest, most accurate, and objective IQ data. Each profile comprises the best data available, and gives our clients the highest confidence.
How much data does OWL have in its IQ database?
OWL covers nearly 400 datapoints from roughly 9,000 companies in the Environmental, Social, and Governance categories. We currently have this data going back several years, and expanding. If there is a datapoint we don’t currently collect but want to add, our Deep Research Application and Smart Assistant were designed to solve this problem.
What companies does OWL cover?
We have nearly 400 data points covering roughly the largest 9,000 global companies, using market cap to determine company size.
How often does OWL refresh its IQ data?
OWL has the freshest ESG data available, currently refreshed every six months, with a target of quarterly refreshing by the end of 2024.
My current data provider consistently provides stale and inaccurate data. How is OWL different?
We keep the data fresh with the most frequent refresh rates of all available data providers, and we rely on our human / AI verification system which we have spent four years perfecting to give you the absolute highest accuracy going.