OWL ESG Detailed Company Profiles
OWL's Detailed Company Profiles provide clients with data on hundreds of ESG metrics such as emissions, waste, diversity, and more. Gain deep insights into sustainability characteristics and alignment with regulatory frameworks at thousands of companies and securities you are researching or hold. Make decisions with confidence, so you can dedicate your resources to using the data, not finding it.


Over 500 data points covering a wide range of environmental, social, and governance topics.

Portfolio Managers

Portfolio Managers

  • Gain competitive advantage through the most up-to-date and accurate ESG data.
  • Make investment decisions based on a quality foundation of data rather than subjective analytics. 
Sustainability Teams

Sustainability Teams

  • Instant view into  company ESG practices, performance, and progress for effective and efficient analysis.
  • Reliable, single-source insights for engagement targeting decisions.
Stewardship & Reporting Teams

Stewartship & Reporting Teams

  • Reduce data collection and verification times from hours to minutes for each company being researched.
  • Inform proxy voting and related decisions for each subject company with the confidence of OWL’s most accurate, highest quality data.
Corporate Issues & Consultants

Corporate Issuers & Consultants

  • Easy view into your own company and other companies to identify areas for potential improvement.
  • Inform marketing materials, sustainability reports, and investor outreach communications
Wealth Managers

Wealth Managers

  • Earn new clients by tailoring investment proposals to align with prospect values.
  • Strengthen relationships with clients by helping them invest  for both values and return.
  • Develop natural entry point into values discussion

See company profiles in a whole new way. And make more informed, more impactful choices for your goals and the planet.